A 35-year-old female presented to a gynecologist with a swelling in the abdomen. She underwent a USG and CT abdomen which showed a large Tumor possibly arising from the ovary which was adherent to the large intestine. In view of the difficulty in surgery, she was referred to us (Surgical Oncologist). She underwent surgery after lower preparation. We were able to separate the bowel from the Tumor. We removed the Tumor and sent it for a frozen section ( intraop immediate biopsy report) which confirmed cancer of the ovary. We completed the hysterectomy with removal of the other ovary, bilateral pelvic LN, and Omentum. The postop course was uneventful. There was no evidence of any bowel injury. She was discharged on day 9. She was then referred for postoperative chemotherapy

Surgical Management of Ovarian Cancer with Bowel Involvement:

Patient Information:

Patient Profile:

  • Age: 35 years
  • Gender: Female

Presenting Complaint:

  • Abdominal swelling

Diagnostic Imaging:

  • Ultrasonography (USG) and CT abdomen revealed a large tumor, possibly ovarian, adherent to the large intestine.

A 35-year-old female presented to a gynecologist with a swelling in the abdomen. She underwent a USG and CT abdomen which showed a large Tumor possibly arising from the ovary which was adherent to the large intestine. In view of the difficulty in surgery, she was referred to us ( Surgical Oncologist). She underwent surgery after lower preparation. We were able to separate the bowel from the Tumor. We removed the Tumor and sent it for a frozen section ( intraop immediate biopsy report) which confirmed cancer of the ovary. We completed the hysterectomy with removal of the other ovary, bilateral pelvic LN, and Omentum. The postop course was uneventful. There was no evidence of any bowel injury. She was discharged on day 9. She was then referred for postoperative chemotherapy.

This case highlights the successful surgical management of ovarian cancer with bowel involvement, demonstrating the importance of multidisciplinary care in complex cases. Early diagnosis and timely referral to specialized centers can lead to optimal outcomes for patients with advanced ovarian cancer. If you or your loved ones are diagnosed with ovarian cancer then consult our expert at Cloverleaf Speciality Clinic Wakad, Pune.